lawn care calendar

An Easy Lawn Care Calendar by Month for Careful Lawn Owner

A Lawn Care Calendar by Month: a Step-By-Step Guide

A well-groomed green lawn near the house is the dream of every homeowner. Taking care of your lawn grass just seems simple, but when it comes to practice, it can be a real die-hard task. To keep your grassplot healthy and beautiful all year round, we have developed a calendar, that will be of great use as you can plan every action carefully. This guide will help you understand what processes occur with the lawn during different seasons, and how to support them and prevent the unpleasant consequences of improper care.

So let's get started.


Winter Care Actions. January

January is particularly among the coldest months of the year. At that time, nature is resting and your lawn needs to rest too. At that time, all you need to do with it is just to maintain its tidiness. What is also important it is not to disturb green-fodder covering at all. It is great if your garden is fully covered with snow due to it will be safe and sound under such a cover. The snow layer will keep the  warmness of the soil and it will supply your lawn with moisture. The grass will not be harmed so do not touch your snow cover, please. If there is an ice coverage, it can be harmful because no oxygen will be delivered to herb roots. You may need to crack ice covering.In case, if there is no snow (what a pity!), avoid stepping on the lawn. The grass is fragile and prone to damage in January. If you break it, it could cause lawn diseases. The only thing, in this case, you definitely need to do, is to brush off all fallen leaves and branches. 


Winter Care Actions. February

Despite February is a severe month, it is time to prepare for spring as it is around the corner! Continue keeping your grassplot under the snow coat preventing ice layer to form on it. And there is enough to do in February besides the caring about the garden itself. First of all, we are talking about the maintenance of garden equipment. Meet the spring with your guns loaded. Inspect your garden inventory if it is all sharpened, unbroken and dry. Put special attention to your lawn mowers. They may need service maintenance so do not delay it too long and start right now. All knives of the mower should be sharpened, the oil should be changed if it is a petrol mower and all the cables should be tested for insulation violations if it is an electrical one. 

If you have a lack of needed inventory, well, it's a perfect time for some shopping. You may need lawn spreaders and fertilizers as a minimal kit and a lawn mower, of course.


Spring Treatment Measures. March

As nature is awakening in March, your lawn needs more care this month. First of all, you should clean it off from leaves and debris. Then, it's time to treat weeds and moss that had appeared on the lawn. Use scarifier for this or make some hand-treating raids to get rid of them. As the sun shines more intensively, your lawn will come alive and go to growth. So do not delay the first cut of the year. Do not trim the green-fodder too much. For the first time, the minimal cut is a good decision. 

It may also be needed to saturate the soil with the oxygen if the ground is too hard. Uncover your aerator to do this and the lawn will be thankful to you.


Spring Treatment Measures. April

The grass is growing faster each day and in April, it is an eventful time for a lawn owner. First of all, do not forget to cut the lawn regularly, at least, once a fortnight. Keep knives of the mower still on the maximal clum length. Use the collector not to leave remains on your lawn. It may cause rotting of cut stems.Then, it is time to fertilize the lawn for the first time. Choose nitrogen-containing fertilizers for this season. The normal fertilizers' consumption is merely 1 lb per 200 square feet. Check the pack for exact dosage. You may notice some bare spots on the ground in April. Well, it's time to fix it. Use spreaders to sow seeds. And try to choose the same sort of seeds you have already sown before not to get a spotty picture with different types of herbs growing on it.


Spring Treatment Measures. May

If you failed to over-seed in April, do not worry as it is possible to catch it up now. In May it is the peak of growing so manage to cut it often. As usual, frosts are not a common thing in that month so you may cut stems shorter.If you have fertilized the ground in March, look for the manufacturer's recommendations about re-applying fertilizers. If it is time, apply them to feed the soil with the help of sprayers. Do not forget also to dig out weeds and moss on the site.


Summer Maintaining Beauty. June

It is important to keep the lawn mowed at all times in June. It depends on whether it will delight your eye all summer. Also, remember to remove weeds and feed the plants regularly. And, of course, be guided by your climate. If dry days start in your area in June, it's time to use a garden watering system. Watering should only be done if the soil is completely dry after the May rains. In high temperatures, it is best to water at sunrise or closer to evening hours when the hot reduces.
Summer Maintaining Beauty. July

In July, you may notice that plants grow more slowly. Hot days contribute to this. And the most important task in July is to keep the soil moist. Otherwise, an unattractive burnt-out site awaits you, which will only have to be re-sowed. If you don't have sprinklers or drip irrigation systems, do watering every couple of days. If you see the lawn looking sluggish and dull, add another watering session.At the same time, to retain moisture in the soil, you can leave remains after mowing on the ground for a couple of days. The moisture will evaporate more slowly under the layer of mown herbs.

Summer Maintaining Beauty. August

Summer moves on and it is August already. As the days are still hot, you should cut your lawn regularly but not too short. If you overdo it, all plants may dry out. In August, the soil is already exhausted and it is time to replenish it with useful minerals. Apply fertilizers one more time and water your grassplot regularly.


Autumn Preparations&Handling. September

The first thing you should do in September is scarification. It will help to reduce moss and take away dead grass blades. It also allows water and oxygen to come to the roots. Besides this, regular trimming and watering are still needed. If the lawn was spoilt and dried out, it is in September, when you should prepare the ground for re-seeding it.


Autumn Preparations&Handling. October

October is a month of first preparations for wintertime. It is perfect for sowing new seeds to get fresh grass before first frosts. The soil, at that time, needs re-fertilization. Do not use the same fertilizers as you did in spring. For autumn feeding, minimal nitrogen concentration is needed. 

It will be also necessary to aerate the soil. But do not do this while Indian summer because fresh holes will help the soil to dry out.


Winter Care Actions. November

No rest in November yet. First of all, you need to carry out the final mowing of the lawn. Leave the grass 2-3 cm high so that it can grow back before frost. The optimal length for wintering is 6-8 cm.

Also after that, it's time to prepare your inventory for winter. Inspect the lawn aerator, lawn mower, irrigation equipment, if there are any breakdowns, it is better to immediately send the faulty equipment to a service center.

This is also the beginning of active leaf fall, which means that you need to regularly clean the lawn from foliage and branches, which will keep moisture from rains and rot along with the grass.


Winter Care Actions. December

The end of a year is, at last, not reach for lawn care activities. All you need is to keep it clear from leaves and do not disturb it at all. If there are snows in December, let them cover the lawn to protect it. In case of ice layers, crack it and remove with a simple rake. Taking care of your lawn is a complex event but not really hard to perform. We are glad if our tips and schedule will help you with that to keep your lawn tidy and green all year long.